Mission Statement


Mission Statement:

Project HELP works with dignity and compassion to ease the pain of those affected by rape, violence, crime or loss of a loved one due to a crime.

Vision Statement:

To provide every member of our community, regardless of age. financial status. ethnicity and identity with access  our 24 hour Crisis and Referral Hotline, Sexual Assault Response Services. Crime Victim Advocacy. Sudden Death Response and Crisis Intervention Services. We strive to give a voice to all those affected by violence, sudden death and trauma.

Value Statement:

The Employee,s board of directors and volunteers are a highly motivated group of peer professionals working together to ensure exceptional survivor focused services, offering empowerment, growth and learning all while being fiscally responsible and transparent. We believe in enriching client lives by way of creative solutions and tools. This allows all survivors to follow a journey of healing from victimization and of making tomorrow a better day than the day before making a genuine difference in our community.